A daring robber, striving for survival and establishing his own territory amid conflicts with powerful adversaries, battling to become a 'king without a kingdom'....
多克瑞克暗恋她哥哥的女朋友帕姆。一天,她的哥哥和帕姆分手了。改编自魔鬼普莱诺的小说(Chao Planoy (???????????))《我们:我们的爱》(美国:?????????) Dokrak has a secret crush on her brother's girlfriend, Pam. One day her brother and Pam break up. ...
Vacation turns disaster when Houston grad, Kyle and her friends escape a plane crash in the desolate Louisiana everglades, only to discover there's something way more dangerous lurking in the shal...
Croydon-born Rachel Khoo demonstrates her flair for the cuisine of Paris. 英籍美女厨师Rachel Khoo為了追求学厨的梦想,毅然放弃自己的时装公关事业,即使不諳法语,仍然坚持独自到法国,入读最有名的法国蓝带厨艺学院,并花三個月学习甜品,然后长居法国,租住一个小地方,开始她的「私房菜」,继续追寻她的煮食之梦。 ...
巴蓝思学院推荐:Mysteries of Evolution: Series 1 The evolutionary journey of life on Earth spans millions of years – and the results are as diverse as they are jaw-dropping. Travel through time as we explo...