《筑造世界的工程》呈现了过去两个世纪中,最具有史诗意义的工程以及其背后的杰出远见者的故事,从金门大桥、到巴拿马运河、横贯大陆的铁路、自由女神像等。在面对历史上从未见到过的、无法克服的挑战,工程师们未曾退缩。系列内容也将揭露背后存在的不为人知的竞争、人类的自负心理和社会上各方势力的角斗等复杂的心路历程。 Produced by the Six West Media group for HIST...
Over the course of nearly half a billion years, which deadly predator ranks as the biggest and baddest? Join us as we travel through time and across the world to present this terrifying top ten rankin...
Allen Sunshine tells the story of a former music mogul who retreats to an isolated lakeside home to grieve his famous wife’s suicide. He copes by composing ambient-electronic music and nurturing an un...
The TARDIS lands in London on Christmas Eve, 1851 and almost immediately the Doctor hears his name being called. When he meets the woman shouting for him she fails to recognise him and continues calli...