Moritz (11) convinced his mother to a special holiday on Cyprus, to meet there his unsuspecting father Aiven Bastekis, once her one-night-stand. Aiven, who runs the family textile trade firm, is start...
乌龙科学家韦恩(里克·莫拉尼斯 Rick Moranis饰),再次错误操作他危险的科学实验,而这回的“受害者”是他自己跟哥哥,还有他们的妻子。在这次事故中,四个大人被瞬间缩小到连葡萄干都不到的尺寸,只能用放大镜才能看见他们。他们跟“庞然大物”蟑螂斗智斗勇,更要想方设法让他们的孩子得知这个消息。可毫不知情的孩子们,丁点儿也没发现他们的家长都被缩小的事实,他们根本听不到大人们如蚊子叫般的求助声。绝望的...
In order to get out of a financial crisis, high school teacher Balz Naef (53) starts recruiting and training streakers for illegal sports betting. While he and his team help streaking become the new t...
?Jak po?lubi? milionera” to komediowy przewodnik dla wszystkich, którzy marz? o szcz??liwych zwi?zkach. G?ówni bohaterowie filmu zamiast czeka?, a? ?lepy los ze?le im upragnion? mi?o??, bior? sprawy w...
A group of mercenaries are hired to overthrow a Neo-Nazi stronghold nestled deep in the heart of Texas only to discover they are protecting nuclear codes that could ignite World War III....