Following the success of World’s Busiest Railway 2015, this new three-part series presented by Ade Adepitan, Anita Rani, Ant Anstead and Dan Snow takes viewers to the heart of three iconic public spac...
?Jak po?lubi? milionera” to komediowy przewodnik dla wszystkich, którzy marz? o szcz??liwych zwi?zkach. G?ówni bohaterowie filmu zamiast czeka?, a? ?lepy los ze?le im upragnion? mi?o??, bior? sprawy w...
An eclectic band of misfits becomes an unlikely family as they take a wild journey in the name of love while on the run from an overzealous FBI duo who want them dead or alive - preferably dead....
《花鼓戏》来自 C.Y. Lee (黎锦扬) 的同名小说,由 Oscar Hammerstein II 和 Joseph Fields 改写成音乐剧,作曲 Richard Rodgers,作词 Oscar Hammerstein II。该剧于1958年12月1日在纽约的圣詹姆士剧场(St. James Theatre)开演,在纽约百老汇连演六百场不衰,后来又在1960 年3月24日于伦敦的宫殿剧场...