"Daughters of the Dust" tells the story of a family of African-Americans who have lived for many years on a Southern offshore island, and of how they come together one day in 1902 to celebra...
Preparing for her wedding, Kübra gets possessed by unknown livings. To cure Kübra, a psychiatrist, Ebru, gets on way. Ebru is also an old friend of Kübra. Ebru would work together with an exorcist to ...
Fanti (a combination of “fan” and “anti”, referring to extreme fans) marks Thao Tam’s first big-screen lead role. She accepted because she sympathized with the message of the film – about beautiful yo...
24 Hours with Gaspar (2023), a film depicting rough characters living on the edgy streets, will have its world premiere. This film, envisioning the emergence of a novel genre infused with science fict...