西奥多西亚·思罗克莫顿(Theodosia Throckmorton,又名西奥)是两位勇敢的埃及考古学家的14岁女儿,她于1906年在国王谷(Valley of the Kings)进行挖掘。当西奥和她的弟弟,发明狂亨利,偶然发现了一个隐藏的坟墓和一个神秘的神器,“荷鲁斯之眼”,西奥打开了看到和执行真正的魔法的能力,从而发现了一个充满神秘和危险的全新世界。现在,在她父母的家里,世界著名的传说和古物...
影片以1993年在巴黎18区发生的一起警察暴力的真实事件为背景:一名警察在巡逻期间枪杀了一名17岁的扎伊尔少年Makomé M'Bowolé。而在影片当中,巴黎街头,一群反政府青年。纠纷由其中一人被警察殴打重伤而起,众人怀恨在心。文兹(文森特·卡塞尔 Vincent Cassel饰)弄到一把真枪,决心还以颜色。他们的仇恨与愤怒随处可见,这场与警察之间的大规模冲突,一触即发。混战中,文兹被警察开枪打...
In a gritty near future, an ex freedom fighter reluctantly jumps back into the fold after discovering a disturbing secret that could bring down the company that owns the world....
High school intrigues and pulsating eroticism at a boarding school where it’s straight to be queer, in a stylistically impeccable film adaptation of Kristofer Folkhammar’s successful novel. The schoo...
The story homes in on Mia, a 25-year-old Parisian who works in a nail bar on Rue des Dames. Unbeknownst to her employer and in exchange for money, she arranges access, for some of the salon’s female c...
SHEPHERD is based on the award-winning and bestselling Israeli novel, "The Jewish Dog," by Asher Kravitz. Kaleb, a beloved German Shepherd, is separated from his Jewish family when the Nurem...