Successful businessman Jake takes his pregnant girlfriend Lindsey on a babymoon trip to an upscale desert resort. When they get there, Lindsey discovers that Jake's meddlesome soon to be ex-wife, Gwen...
Javier and Felipe are now full-time parents to their daughters. However, the fathers discover the girls are missing something a mother. To find her, they invite their girlfriends on vacation with a se...
又是一部段落式青春爱情片,几对青春少年少女演绎几个不同口味的爱情故事。 “有时候,爱要……说……清楚” ???????????????????…???? Love Sees No ... Maybe in version 你看见爱情,你确定那是爱情?你怀疑爱情,你真的不知道她已经来临? “有时候,真爱与辈分无关” ???????????????????? ...
《把哥哥退货可以吗》、《限时好友》后,泰国最瞩目爆笑爱情喜剧《只有我能喜欢妳》(Love and Run),找来全台破亿天菜《模犯生》「阿班」查农桑提纳同库(Chanon Santinatornkul),颠覆《模犯生》中天才资优生形象,在新片中化身中二屁孩,只为了保护小自己一岁的女神小姑姑「小琳」,泰国超人气女神苏帕莎拉珊纳洽(Supassra Thanachat)饰演,查农使出浑身解术要斩断女神...