Je is a girl that has luck all the time, while Not has bad luck. One night these two, came across each other and their luck reverse. Je was unhappy about this settlement, so she's planning to ge...
It is a story of a mistress who comes back for her revenge after enduring all kinds of mistreats from her husband's wedded wife. The resentment between two love rivals is passed on to their desc...
在泰国,大多数大学都有新生欢迎活动,但对于部分大学新生来说,这并不是一件令人期待的事。因为在少数高校,高年级学生会借机“欺负”,甚至是“羞辱”新生,而“欺负”的传统呢。 其实源自所谓的论资排辈传统联合精神,英文简称为SOTUS(Seniority Order Tradition Union Spirit的缩写)。 故事就发生在严格秉承SOTUS精神的工程学院新生欢迎仪式上。 “Kongpho...