Lin Yu is a boy who is constantly surrounded by misfortune and is always one step behind others. Since primary school, he has a crush on Zhang Qingqing, and continues to pin for her throughout his lif...
The plot revolves around the lives of four ex-convicts trying to turn over a new leaf. Ah Hu (Lian), Mad Dog (Lei), Jian Ren (Lim) and Sha Bao (Chin) start a food and beverage business, but their pas...
The film's plot centers on rival lion dance troupes in Singapore -- a liberal-looking faction of a traditional troupe, Tiger Crane (led by Wang Wei Liang), breaks away from it to form a new one called...
《新兵正传II》(英文名:Ah Boys To Men 2)是2013年的一部新加坡贺岁电影,由梁智强执导及编剧,此片是荣登了新加坡影史上最卖座的华语片《新兵正传》下集,将在2013年2月1日上映。 Ken很快地成为了一个有上进心的新兵,并与搭档罗邦起了冲突,过后也将上演成极暴力的争执。他的其中一个队友I.P. Man则为了要向夺走他女友的男人报仇。...