小胖(米歇尔·尼尔瑟 Michael Niers 饰)和父母生活在胖子村,家里是开饭馆的,一家人都是乐天派,生活过得十分滋润。一天,父母突发奇想,决定将美食带给人们的快乐传播到更远的地方去,于是他们把家搬到了瘦子村。 瘦子村里住着的全都是瘦子,他们对于发胖有一种天然的恐惧,每天都想尽一切办法通过节食和运动多甩掉几斤肉。在这样一个地方,小胖家的餐馆当然不可能经营的下去,不仅如此,小胖还因为他的...
Jules Claus has fully embraced Christmas and his future as Santa is ensured. Together with his grandfather No?l they are on their way to prepare for the best Christmas ever. With Christmas at their do...
Jules Claus hates Christmas! After his father died last year, he no longer wants anything to do with the ‘most wonderful time of the year’. While his mother is working, Jules is spending a lot of time...