Dali and her 8 year old son Pepe take a vacation with Dali's boyfriend, Chavez. Instead of bringing them closer, their beach holiday brings out things in each of them that threaten to pull this emergi...
理查德(詹姆斯·伍兹 James Woods 饰)是一位职业摄影师,每日,他穿梭于世界各地,寻找能够为他带来经济效益的摄影题材。在行业里浸淫已久的他明白,那些美好的,善良的事物无法吸引人们的注意,唯有暴力、恐怖和灾难能够为他带来机遇。 就这样,理查德和朋友们来到了烽火连天的萨尔瓦多,让理查德没有想到的是,展现在他眼前的,竟然完全是一副人间地狱的惨象。纵使是阅历丰富的理查德,也无法忍受这里发生的点...
ppoy is a school kid with a creative mind who couldn't cope up with the formal system. All the while he got attention through his art. When he was forced to the edge of the system he begin to lose his...
阿尔瓦罗(哈维尔·古铁雷斯 Javier Gutiérrez 饰)是在公证处里上班的小小职员,拿着一份非常微博的薪水,常年生活在贫穷之中。虽然生活压力巨大,但是阿尔瓦罗依然怀揣着成为作家的梦想,无奈阿尔瓦罗实在是一个没有什么写作天赋的男人,所以直到今天,这个梦想依然孕育在襁褓之中。 阿曼达(玛利亚·莱昂 María León 饰)是阿尔瓦罗的妻子,和丈夫的平庸恰恰相反,阿曼达随随便便的写了一...
After inheriting a farm at Christmas time, a widowed father makes a bumpy adjustment to village life - while his kids hatch a plan to stay there forever.bywww.xiaokan.cc...