The former star of a short-lived television sitcom, Fabien, drinks too much to remember everything he does and not much surprises him anymore. When his path crosses Yoni’s, he is not surprised to disc...
本片是超现实主义电影之父路易斯·布努埃尔和超现实主义画家萨尔瓦多·达利的跨界合作。表现的是人的梦境和潜意识。故事分两段,第一段开头,一个忧郁的男青年(路易斯·布努埃尔 Luis Bunuel 饰)坐在月光下,磨着剃刀,他抽着烟,等着年轻女孩出现。男青年拿着剃刀抚弄年 轻女孩的脸,用剃刀割开了她的眼球,同时乌云划过了月亮。第二段的时间设定在8年之后,马路上出现了一个骑着自行车穿着类似女装斗篷的男青年...
《王冠 The Crown》制片公司Left Bank Pictures为Netflix制作另一部新剧《她的双眼背后 Behind Her Eyes》,这部剧集改编自Sarah Pinborough的同名惊悚小说,6集改编剧现已开机拍摄拍摄。 《她的双眼背后》女主角Louise是位单亲母亲兼秘书,某夜她在酒吧认识并亲吻了名年轻的男子David,但后来Louise发现对方竟是自己的新上司;同时间L...
Rachel, a concerned researcher, and her team have set out to sea to prove that the disappearance of a family and crew from a merchant ship was for reasons having to do with the supernatural. Her theor...