Antoine has just returned to his hometown, where he reunites with his former lover and the mother of their little girl, Elsa, whom he has never met. An unexpected turn of events leaves Antoine suddenl...
Thirteen-year-old Morris, a hip-hop loving American, moves to Heidelberg, Germany, with his father. In this completely foreign land, he falls in love with a local girl, befriends his German tutor-turn...
In a small village on top of the mountains, Maia Zenasi, a rowdy and solitary 16-year-old tomboy, is the only girl on the local hockey team and her life, on and off the ice-rink, is tough. When Vaness...
A street smart but naive Filipino lady-boy prostitute believes herself to be the true queen of France and will undertake a perilous journey to return to her imaginary kingdom in Paris....