查理(克里斯?奥唐纳 Chris O'Donnell 饰)是一个普通的中学生,他因为见证着一件恶作剧但又不想出卖朋友,于是面临着一道艰难的选择题——要么坦白,要么被学校勒退。而史法兰(阿尔?帕西诺 Al Pacino 饰)是一个退伍军官,因为意外失明,人生从顶点的辉煌滑落谷底。 自从两人的人生有了交集,命运的转折慢慢清晰。史法兰打算结束失去了意义的生活,于是在...
英国人类学家克里斯(克里斯托弗·李 Christopher Lee 饰)在中国东北地区发现一个冷冻的人型怪物,并将它带上前往欧洲的列车。然而,在半途中,这个怪物解冻并开始猎杀列车上的乘客,吸取他们的脑浆,导致了恐怖的场面。 尽管车上有军队介入并成功杀死了怪物,但它的意识却转移到了另一个人的身体上,导致杀戮继续。更加可怕的是,它还能够将已经死去的人复活并变成活死人来为它效命。面临如此绝望的局面...
Condemned to see only when the night falls, the abandoned blind sisters with the untraceable past, Louise and Henriette, share a horrible secret. Their days are black, their nights are blue, and their...
An ex-lawyer and his team run an underworld service, providing fake criminals to take on other people's crimes. But a new dangerous client turns their world upside down as they face lies, deceit a...
Roberta e Leòn sono due quarantenni precari che inscenano un finto matrimonio per intascare i soldi degli invitati. I due protagonisti si incontrano casualmente su un autobus a Malta quando a lei si r...