In this pulse-pounding sci-fi thriller, female adventurer Parker joins a crew of male trophy hunters in a remote wilderness park. Their goal slaughter genetically recreated dinosaurs for sport using r...
Brilliant playwright, Lisa, no longer writes. She lives in Switzerland with her family but her heart has stayed in Berlin, beating to the rhythm of her brother's heart. The ties between the twins have...
A young woman is found unconscious in a city street - claims to be another person who was brutally murdered two months earlier - escapes from a psychiatric hospital in order to prove her identity and ...
The plot features Eugenio, a young jeweller who in the late sixties meets Conchita on a bus in Barcelona. They instantly fall in love and he learns to play the guitar to accompany her in her music car...
故事发生在1953年的9月罗马尼亚的一个小村庄里,兰库(亚力山德鲁·波托西恩 Alexandru Potocean 饰)和玛拉(Meda Victor 饰)即将迎来他们盛大的婚礼,这一对男女是如此的相爱,除了做爱与结为夫妻,他们似乎再也无法找到什么更好的方式来传递他们的感情。然而,就在这大喜之时,传来了独裁者斯大林去世的消息,为了表达对他的祭奠,兰库和玛拉被告知他们必须取消婚礼。 对于兰库和玛拉...