Accomplished novelist Richard Sykes struggles to come up with a concept for a new book while trying to resolve his troubled marriage to Haley. In the process, he seeks out friends and colleagues to as...
Akbar has just turned eighteen. He has been held in a rehabilitation centre for committing murder at the age of sixteen when he was condemned to death. Legally speaking, he had to reach the age of eig...
拉里·大卫(Larry David)主演的这部获得艾美奖和金球奖的标志性喜剧系列《抑制你的热情》(CURB YOUR ENTHUSIASM)夸张地描述了这位作家/制片人/喜剧演员的虚构生活。这部喜剧系列继续证明了一个人日常生活中看似微不足道的细节是如何引发一系列灾难性事件的。为了保持叙事的自发性,这部剧在没有剧本的情况下拍摄,演员们会得到场景大纲,并在拍摄时即兴创作台词。...
Genuine but increasingly insecure Pete is cautiously excited about reuniting with his college crew for a birthday weekend of memories, partying and earnest reconnection at a picturesque English manor....
1973年,美国导演JamesBridges以当年的哈佛法学院的实际情况,拍摄了一部名叫“ThePaperChase”的电影,中文翻译为《平步青云》。这部无论导演和演员阵容都并非豪华的电影在后来连续的几十年中,一直都被全美几乎每个法律系的学生视为“第一堂必修课”。 Chase,翻译过来是“追击、追逐”的意思。The Paper Chase,简单直接就道破了法律中追逐缠夹的本性,却不知道为何被...
The movie chronicles the events of history's man of mystery, Rasputin. Although not quite historically accurate and little emphasis is put on the politics of the day, Rasputin's rise to power and even...