入围2020年威尼斯电影节影评人周单元 A blue screen informs that war has begun. What will be needed? Collect the men, find guns, or maybe someone will give them. We need a location, a country where the war would tak...
After being conned into buying a shady '65 Chrysler, Mike's first date plans with girl-next-door Kelsey implode as he finds himself targeted by criminals, cops, and a crazy cat lady....
阿斯利是一位年轻的母亲,生完孩子不久的她努力想要寻找一位保姆,好让自己重返职场。最终她遇到了古尔尼哈尔,同样是一位年轻的母亲。随着古尔尼哈尔走进她的生活,阿斯利开始面对自己一直在逃避的秘密。 Asli, a young mother who is trying to find a nanny to get back to work, finally meets young Gulnihal....
Anna and Adam, a young couple from Paris with Polish Jewish origins, leave for the first time of their lives in Poland. If Adam is not very excited about this trip, Anna is excited to discover the lan...