故事发生在繁华的大都市巴黎,一位善良的贵妇决定将自己的巨额财产留给一直陪伴她的宠物猫“女公爵”(伊娃·嘉宝 Eva Gabor 配音)以及它尚未长大的孩子们,贪婪的管家得知了这一消息,开始打起了这笔遗产的主意。一天深夜,管家趁着夜幕偷偷将女公爵和它的孩子们丢在了杂草丛生荒无人烟的乡下,在他心中的算盘上,只要没了这些碍事的猫咪们,自己继承遗产简直如同囊中探物。 寒冷和饥饿时时威胁着女公爵一家人...
The sister of a famous, but as yet uncaught, criminal named The Hexer is murdered. Inspector Higgins of Scotland Yard believes that The Hexer will surface to take his revenge on his sister's kille...
Two teenage sisters live in an isolated country house with their aunt and they work in the production of honey. When a cousin bursts into their lives, the perfect symbiosis that is their relationship ...
Sibiu ’89 reenacts a lesser-known story about those days of violent civil unrest that led to a bloody confrontation between the army forces and Ceau?escu’s instruments of repression, the Militia and t...