荒凉的澳大利亚原野,一条笔直漫长的空旷公路,一对关系疏离的父子在路上。父亲凯文(雨果·维文 Hugo Weaving饰),一位暴戾而又邋遢的中年男人带着他十岁大的儿子楚克(汤姆·拉塞尔 Tom Russell饰)踏上了这条亡命之旅。为了逃避一起犯罪事件,凯文铤而走险地选择了负罪潜逃。置身澳大利亚寂寥荒芜的沙漠与荒原,两父子不仅要为了生存而与一切未知因素进行抗衡和斗争,更要面对时而紧密时而对立的父子...
It follows Monk, a brilliant detective with obsessive-compulsive disorder. He returns to solve one last case involving his stepdaughter Molly, a journalist preparing for her wedding....
Benjamin Bernard has lived his life in the shadow of his brother. Torn between jealousy and loyalty, Benjamin takes out his aggression as a mixed martial arts (MMA) fighter. After an event nearly shat...
Since ancient times, a tribe on the African continent has been prophesying that a white boy will arrive to be their god the Son of the Moon. David, a 12-year-old orphan who lives in Europe, learns abo...
在第二季中,随着她的节目播出,以及出现了这样一个当时几乎闻所未闻的每周烹饪节目,茱莉娅(莎拉·兰卡夏尔 Sarah Lancashire 饰)努力应对自己日益上升的名誉和声望。为《法兰西厨师》第二季做准备的同时,茱莉娅在法国度过一段她非常需要的时光,随后她拜访了法国南部、美国华盛顿和波士顿的一系列著名餐厅与厨师。茱莉娅跟她的团队带头制作着由女性主导的公共电视节目,而在这样的过程中,也反映出了普遍存...