UCLA college student Jonathan Moore (Anthony Edwards) is playing a game called "Gotcha" (popular on mid-1980s college campuses as "Assassin" or "Tag"), wherein the player...
This is based on the novels of Holly Jackson. Five years ago, schoolgirl Andie Bell was murdered by her boyfriend Sal Singh. Case closed. The police know he did it. Everyone in town knows he did it...
这部拍摄于1989年版的《变蝇人2》是1986年版《变蝇人》的续集,影片承接第一集母亲维尼卡怀上赛斯孩子的伏笔,当她产下一枚蝇蛹时被当场吓死。当局的科研机关巴托工业园收养了苍蝇之子马丁·布朗多(艾瑞克·斯托罗兹 Eric Stoltz饰),由巴托工业的老总巴托先生(约翰·盖兹 John Getz饰)抚养。巴托先生密切监视着马丁的一举一动,表面上把马丁视如己出,实则却把他当作研究对象,暗地里用摄像机...
24 Hours with Gaspar (2023), a film depicting rough characters living on the edgy streets, will have its world premiere. This film, envisioning the emergence of a novel genre infused with science fict...
История о подвиге лётчиков 1-го минно-торпедного авиационного полка ВВС Балтийского флота во главе с полковником Преображенским. У них была сложнейшая боевая задача – нанести первые бомбовые удары по ...
拍卖会上,文森特·凡高(蒂姆·罗斯 Tim Roth 饰)的名作《向日葵》的标价逐渐增高,最后固定在一个天文数字上。在世人热烈追捧凡高的艺术时,有谁会想到提奥(保罗·里斯 Paul Rhys 饰)这样一个名字呢?本片讲述了凡高与他的弟弟提奥之间的故事。凡高一生为贫穷所困,画入心魔的他为了坚持自己的艺术,不得不靠着弟弟提奥的救济。在凡高看来,他只能把自己献给画布和色彩,其它的生活烦扰应该由弟弟来解决...
Constance works for an independent radio station where she broadcasts sound creations of political character. She lives with Eugene, an aspiring writer, voluntarily withdrawn from the outside world....