A satire on anti-communist paranoia in the days of fascist dictatorship in Portugal. The series follows the adventures of the Lusitanian superhero, the ultra-patriotic Captain Falcão, a man who follow...
Zahid, "an American born Muslim who, after struggling with his Islamic roots, explores different aspects of the religion, leading to a deadly calling."...
建筑师乔纳森·里弗斯(迈克尔·基顿 Michael Keaton 饰)和妻子安娜(钱德拉·韦斯特 Chandra West 饰)正满心欢喜等待新生命的到来。然而一场车祸过后,安娜离奇失踪,生死不明,乔纳森的人生从此跌入谷底。在他最为悲痛之际,一个名叫雷蒙德·普里斯(伊恩·迈克内斯 Ian McNeice 饰)的男人出现在乔纳森面前,他声称可以通过EVP技术让乔纳森听到妻子的声音。所谓“EVP”,即...