Who is lovesick these days? A young journalist wants to expose the charming founder of a lovesick agency as a fake and embarks on a search for his own lost ability to love....
Cary Scott(简·怀曼 Jane Wyman 饰)虽然是一个有着两个孩子的中年寡妇,身边却依然不缺追求者。一天她在自己的花园里邂逅了新来的园丁,已故的老园丁的儿子——年轻的Ron Kirby(罗克·赫德森 Rock Hudson 饰)。几次接触后,Cary了解到Ron对于种植的喜爱,于是Ron带着Cary去了他的家。年龄的差距并不能阻止两人坠入爱河,然而他们的爱情却要面对许多考验。首先提出...
Kate Parks has spent the past year on tour promoting her book, an in-depth look at the attempted cover up of her husband's death in a plane crash. Now all she wants is to return home to her daught...
这是拉姆和卢克楚普的故事。拉姆是建筑学三年级的学生。他长得很帅,很有钱,是大学里很受欢迎的人。但他是个挑食的人,你能轻易买到的食物并不能满足他的味蕾。卢克舒普是一个可爱的大三学生,有着胖乎乎的脸颊,研究食物和营养。他暗恋拉姆,却没有勇气表白。幸运的是,有一天命运将他们聚集在一起,以食物和泰国甜点为纽带。 This is the story of Ram and Lukchup. Ram is ...