An astronaut named Gary and his planet-destroying sidekick called Mooncake embark on serialized journeys through space in order to unlock the mystery of where the universe actually ends and if it actu...
While still trying to adjust to her new role as the Princess of Friendship, Twilight and friends follow a map to a village where the inhabitants mysteriously have no talents and are equal in every way...
Four athletically able teenagers along with their brainy friend Billy are selected by Zordon to fight the evil of Rita Repulsa, her monsters and her minions after the witch is accidentally released fr...
Successful businessman Jake takes his pregnant girlfriend Lindsey on a babymoon trip to an upscale desert resort. When they get there, Lindsey discovers that Jake's meddlesome soon to be ex-wife, Gwen...
威尔(休·格兰特 Hugh Grant 饰)是一个伦敦的有钱人。他继承了父亲的遗产,终日吃喝玩乐,游戏情场。然而,他内心却有着空虚和孤独。为了能够认识更多的女人,他想到了单亲家长会。那里单亲妈妈众多,他必然能游刃有余。带着这个目的,他假扮成单亲爸爸,加入了单亲家长会。 马克斯(尼古拉斯·霍尔特 Nicholas Hoult 饰)的母亲也是家长会里的成员。母亲每天早晨醒来,都会开始沮丧、落泪,想自...