故事发生在遥远的2095年,天空中出现了神秘的金字塔,金字塔中所禁锢的,正是鹰头人身的太阳神荷若丝(Thomas M. Pollard 饰),为了延长自己的寿命和法力,荷若丝逃出了重重禁锢,决定在凡间找一对男女生育自己的后代,被冰冻的太空人尼科波尔(托马斯·克莱舒曼 Thomas Kretschmann 饰)不幸成为了他的目标,最终,荷若丝成功的附在了尼科波尔的身体里。 吉尔(Barbara S...
超级巨星玛西曾让世界拜倒在她的脚下。悲催的是,相比于宝莱坞的事业,她更想和男友雅利安一起安定生活,这就导致了她事业上的衰败。玛西意识到自己需要反击一搏…… Superstar Mahi Arora has the world at her feet for a bit. Sadly, Mahi is more interested in settling down with boyfrien...
The film takes place in Toulouse and tells the story of Jean, a 55 year-old policeman who discovers his son, Maxime, and his son's boyfriend hanged in a hotel room. The autopsy shows that he died ...