A boy named Harley and his family (brother Austin, mother Beth, and father Mitch) attends a taping of The Banana Splits TV show, which is supposed to be a fun-filled birthday for young Harley and busi...
An adaptation of William Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus set in contemporary New Delhi. The Hungry is a contemporary retelling of Shakespearian tragedy Titus Andronicus, set in the extravagant surr...
A thriller set in Benares, Jaipur, Mumbai and Delhi, Setters is about a racket profiteering from academic scams. The film follows a cat-and-mouse game between two good friends: one a cop, and the othe...
Students of two schools in Thiruvananthapuram that cater to different economical classes are in a tussle. While one set struggles for survival, the other is busy finding joy in drugs. The two groups k...
The people who had migrated from Tirunelveli District of Tamil Nadu live in Dharavi slum in Mumbai. The Union Minister Haridev Abhayankar alias Hari Dada (Nana Patekar), previously a gangster, tries t...