Hunted by government agents and constantly assaulted by a cartel of vengeful thugs, an amnesiac known only as 626 searches for her true identity while protecting a teenage girl who shares her superhum...
MAYA is a mystical thriller, telling the story of the presumed relationship between Icaro and Adriana, since the moment they met until the day when she disappears and cease existing....
Hulu将推出聚焦“世界第一脱衣舞男团”Chippendales的历史和背后丑闻的新剧《侨民》(Immigrant),库梅尔·南贾尼(《硅谷》《永恒族》)主演并担任执行制作人,Robert Siegel(《大创业家》)编剧,已直接获预订整季8集。 本剧被描绘为一个疯狂、有黑暗喜剧色彩的罪案故事,南贾尼饰演创办了著名男性脱衣舞秀Chippendales的印度裔美国籍商人Somen Steve Ba...
A retired couple deeply in debt try to win a rock dance competition.A minister is suspected of tax fraud. A teenager makes the acquaintance of a pervert....
In his Scottish New Town home, gangling Gregory and his school-friends are starting to find out about girls. He fancies Dorothy, not least because she has got into the football team - and is a better ...
扎克·加利凡纳基斯梦想成为一名明星。威尔·法瑞尔发现了扎克的公共电视节目《蕨间访谈》,并将其上传到 Funny or Die 网站,扎克因此成为了风靡一时的笑料。如今,扎克和他的团队正踏上公路旅行,独立完成一部关于名人访谈的剧集,并以此来恢复自己的声誉。《蕨间访谈:电影版》是一部爆笑喜剧片,让观众对扎克·加利凡纳基斯多年来塑造的乖僻却讨喜的形象有了新的认识。本片由斯科特·奥克曼担任导演。...
Les habitants d’une tour de cité découvrent un matin qu’un voile noir obstrue toutes les fenêtres et la porte d’entrée de l’immeuble. Un voile noir qui dévore tout ce qui tente de le pénétrer…...