亚历克斯(泰勒·派瑞 Tyler Perry 饰)专门负责大型刑事案件的侦查和侦破。一名台湾女孩在一栋豪宅内遭受性虐杀,连同她的私人保镖等数人也都无一幸免,亚历克斯奉命接受此案的调查。而这起凶案似乎与环杀手迈克尔(马修·福克斯 Matthew Fox 饰)有关。他经验丰富、冷血残酷,总比警方快一步,每次犯案后都能顺利逃脱。为了挑衅亚历克斯,他在他们的结婚周年日给亚历克斯打了警告电话,并当着他的面杀...
影片根据真实事件改编,1983-2005年间,有许多平民在苏丹的战火中流离失所,幸存者被当时的援救人员称为“苏丹的迷途男孩”(Lost Boys of Sudan),其中有一部分人,后来以难民的身份来到美国。片中威瑟斯彭扮演的凯瑞,帮助四位苏丹难民寻找工作,为他们争取合法权益,想方设法让他们与亲人团聚,并同他们结下了深厚的友谊。 影片的导演,曾执导过《拉扎老师》的菲利普·法拉迪约,坚持到非洲实地...
The green Verdies are the tiny, but brave guardians of the lakeside. The young Verdies only become guardians when their hair turns brown. Until then, however, life is boring. The youngsters with green...
An international group of film students finds a disturbing video clip on the dark web which seems to contain poltergeist phenomena. Agreed that it's just what they need for their latest documentary pr...
Arkham, 1975 Jonathan Davis' father has disappeared. His tracks lead to Germany, to the Swabian-Franconian Forest where he was stationed after the Second World War. Jonathan sets out to find him and b...