Coming of age film about Sven, a boy who feels trapped in his own family which only consists of duos. His brother Alex in return tries to keep Sven by his side through the same methods his parents use...
An ambitious lawyer kills her gardener by mistake, fearing her chances with the law and the impact this will have on her career at a prestigious firm, she turns to her best friend to help her get rid ...
《美国工厂》是一部 Netflix 原创纪录片,由 Higher Ground Productions 和 Participant Media 出品,荣获奥斯卡金像奖?提名并斩获艾美奖?的朱莉娅·赖克特和史蒂文·博格纳尔(《最后一辆车:通用王国的破产》《A Lion in the House》《正观“红色”》)打造。这部广受好评的电影深入研究了后工业时代的俄亥俄州,一位中国亿万富翁在当地一家废弃的...