米哈伊洛(穆斯塔法·纳达雷维克 Mustafa Nadarevic 饰)曾经是公认的钢琴神童,有着无量的前途和对音乐的无限热爱。然而,当他的父亲被革命法庭判处了死刑,而母亲无法承受这样的打击决定自杀之后,米哈伊洛就彻底的告别了天才的头衔,陷入了深深的痛苦之中。 一晃眼几十年过去,米哈伊洛依然没有能够走阴影中走出来。如今的他在一家琴行里教授音乐和钢琴,自始至终都过着形单影只的生活。一天,一个名叫奥...
为了逃脱地狱坟墓的禁锢,吸血鬼(马汀·坎普 Martin Kemp 饰)需要纯洁处女的鲜血,在黑暗和痛苦中等待了千百年,一个名为夏洛特(艾莉莎·米兰诺 Alyssa Milano 饰)的年轻女孩成为了吸血鬼的目标。 夜晚静静的降临,每到此时,吸血鬼便会潜入夏洛特的梦中,在那里,他是无所不能的神。煽情的诱惑,欲望的纠葛,夏洛特的内心被吸血鬼搅得一团乱,那些令她欲仙欲死脸红心跳的回忆,夏洛特不知...
与Stefan Uher和Elo Havatta一样,Eduard Grecner也是60年代斯洛伐克新浪潮电影的缔造者之一。他的三部影片《一周七天》(1964)《尼绒月亮》(1965)和这部《徳拉克的回归》都是斯洛伐克新浪潮电影的代表作。这部叙事方法独特带有明显意识流风格的黑白影片甚至间接影响到了后来法国导演格里耶在捷克拍摄的两部影片《说谎的人》和《Eden and After》。 A spe...
Anmar dreams of becoming a great soccer player, and he finally has his chance to join a team while studying architecture in the U.S. But, to reach his potential, Anmar must first convince his father w...
Six years after her husband, a prominent Belgrade lawyer, died in a fire, Anja Kolar receives information that makes her question everything she thought she knew about the accident and about her own f...
Ethan is a young, shy and rather reserved designer who has suffered from insomnia for many years due to his terrible nightmares. Believing he has a personality disorder he decides to see a therapist t...