Jean Rollin成功地将僵尸电影悠远的梦幻感与嬉皮时代的表象融合,于是坐镇古堡的不是千年面孔的男僵尸,而是两个长发披肩的嬉皮士少女,一白一黄,七十年代吹捧的典型女孩形象,至于僵尸集团的仪式、成员的行为又像极当时流行的公社生活型态。色彩浓艳,在法国田原的古建筑中注入不少鲜艳的南亚色调,是部花样百出的戏...
Two destinies intersect. Norbert has worked for twenty years in Africa. Either out of idealism or because he was forced to flee his country of origin. When he returns, it's despite himself and wit...
在监狱囚禁了5年多次抢银行的抢劫犯奴卡(杰拉尔·德帕迪约 Gérard Depardieu 饰)刑满释放了,跟他打过多次交道的警官多罗夫(皮埃尔·理查德 Pierre Richard 饰)特意来接他。多罗夫不相信奴卡能改邪归正,可奴卡放出来之后,就想痛改前非好好做人。为了生存奴卡卖掉了仅有的金银首饰准备到银行开户,不料,碰上正在持枪抢劫的弗朗索瓦劫持为人质。这时多罗夫带领警察也赶到了,他不相信长得...
An ex-lawyer and his team run an underworld service, providing fake criminals to take on other people's crimes. But a new dangerous client turns their world upside down as they face lies, deceit a...