Iris, seize ans, vit la fin de son adolescence dans une petite ville de province lorsqu'elle rencontre par hasard Jean, un photographe parisien d'une quarantaine d'années. Au fil des rendez-vous, leur...
根据传说,白狮是神的使者。当白狮子进入该山谷,一个年轻的人发现自己要不惜一切代价来保护白狮子。(文moviereleased) According to the legend of the Shangaan, white lions are the messengers of the gods, but it has been years since one has been seen in t...
效力于某知名搜索引擎公司的程序员加利·史密斯(多姆纳尔·格利森 Domhnall Gleeson 饰)幸运地抽中老板纳森(奥斯卡•伊萨克 Oscar Isaac 饰)所开出的大奖,他将受邀前往位于深山的别墅中和老板共度假期。在与世隔绝的别墅中,纳森亲切地接待了这位员工。 事实上他邀请加利到来还有另一个目的,那就是协助他完成其所开发的智能机器人的测试。天才一般的纳森研制了具有独立思考能力的智能机器人...
An ambitious lawyer kills her gardener by mistake, fearing her chances with the law and the impact this will have on her career at a prestigious firm, she turns to her best friend to help her get rid ...
When Pastor James Lewis, Jr. struggles with the weight of his congregation and the death of his only son, he is forced to question his faith as he searches for meaning in a time of suffering....