《寂静岭2》改编自热爆电子游戏《Silent Hill 3》。 Heather Mason(阿德莱德·克莱蒙丝 Adelaide Clemens 饰)和父亲Harry Mason(肖恩·宾 Sean Bean 饰)在外面逃命已经多年,但她却总不明白那些对他们造成危险的东西是什么。多年来受神秘力量骚扰,更长期被毛骨悚然的恶梦弄得心绪不宁。18岁生日当日,她发现自己被偷偷跟踪,随之而来的事故也让父亲...
In the Barrio of Oak Springs, live a strong and stubborn group of elderly friends who refuse to be gentrified. Their leader, Lupita, keeps them together as a community, a family. But little did they k...
Jason Darcie在他试图自杀前,留给了妻子Lara一本神秘笔记本,暗示了多年前他妹妹的死并非一场意外,可能跟自己有关。为了弄清丈夫的黑暗过去和自杀的秘密,Lara回到了Jason生活过的小镇。那里,Jason的父亲年事已高并已住进了老年护理之家,只剩下Jason的弟弟Grady能帮她解开笔记中秘密,但是......Lara还不知道自己已激怒了最危险的人.(译:sky200700...
The American writer Joe arrives in Paris to research and write about Proust. He meets the Polish Karl and they become friends and costumers of brothels and restaurants. When the fifteen year-old Colet...