阿富汗人穆罕穆德(文森特·加洛 Vincent Gallo 饰)在荒芜的山地中偶遇三名美军,他在惊慌失措中用手中的武器杀死了他们。穆罕穆德被随后赶到的美军活捉,在美军监狱中遭到审讯和虐待。在押解的路上,美军车辆遭遇车祸,默罕默德于混乱中意外的获得了自由。他在冰天雪地中杀死过路人,抢夺了车辆和衣服,又在美军的追踪中杀死军犬。在杳无人烟的森林中,默罕默德依靠树皮充饥,为生存进行卓绝的困兽之斗,在冰雪的...
In Swedish film collective Crazy Pictures feature "Den blomstertid nu kommer" Sweden faces a mysterious attack while Alex tries to reunite with his youth love, Anna....
谨慎恭敬的杰克·马尔比(罗伯特·德尼罗 Robert De Niro 饰)在某政府部门供职,每天的工作便是对那些申请假释的犯人进行审核。他年复一年干着这份枯燥无味的工作,与妻子麦迪琳(Frances Conroy 饰)的关系也分外冷淡。他的心中隐藏着蓬勃的欲望,却又不得不用端正的表象去掩饰。 在杰克即将退休的时刻,已经蹲了八年大牢的纵火犯乔治·“石头”·克里森(爱德华·诺顿 Edward N...
A young woman tries to find her origins after having been abandoned as an infant at a cemetery wrapped in a cloth with satanic symbols, but as she gets closer to answers a malevolent spirit is telling...
Dr Geoff Burton takes up a position at a new institute in wintry Dresden, Germany. His contribution to a former colleague’s important project, a human regeneration gene, has the potential to make some...