影片改编自西班牙伟大诗人费德里科•加西亚•洛尔卡(Federico García Lorca 饰)六幕话剧,内战期间他因支持共和政府而被弗朗哥政府残忍杀害,叛军当政期间作品长期被禁。 片中的故事以弗拉明戈舞纪录片的形式展开,通过演员的准备、彩排间即间离向观众讲述了这样一出血腥悲剧:新婚之夜,新郎的母亲心事重重,她偶然得知新娘是杀害自己丈夫的仇家的女儿,她的心中升起不祥的预感。新娘的表哥雷奥纳多(...
From the rough streets and back alleys of Central Mumbai comes the sensational true story of Arun Gawli, a man who scripted his own destiny, eventually going on to become one of India's most feare...
JP, un acteur raté de 40 ans, décide d’organiser la première grosse marche de contestation noire en France, mais ses rencontres, souvent burlesques, avec des personnalités influentes de la communauté ...
A journey from Suphan to the Kingdom of Ayothaya of a boy named Kaew, he travels with hope to be enlisted in the army in the time of war, there he meets Pim, his first love who is now engaged to a per...