The newest film from Greek director Syllas Tzoumerkas and his second collaboration with Angeliki Papoulia, star of the New Greek Cinema (Dogtooth, The Lobster), is a fierce and untamed crime tale, tol...
Judith leads a double life two lovers, two sons in France and one daughter in Switzerland. Entangled in secrets and lies, her lives begin to shatter....
A challenging thriller that tackels gender issues. Four friends spend a hot summer afternoon at an abondoned quarry. They enjoy bathing in the lake and soaking up the sun. However, a dispute ensues an...
他(Method Man 饰)是一个沉默的男子,永远礼帽风衣,沉默地穿梭在这座道德沦丧、破败绝望的城市的大街小巷。死亡每天发生,司空见惯,不知天高地厚的年轻人们呼啸而过,挥霍生命。白天他是市殡仪馆的殡仪师,以娴熟专业且庄重的手法清理残破不堪的尸体,带死者走过最后一程;夜晚则端坐那间被暴怒吵闹的邻居所包围的小屋里,细心制作动物标本,为他们的主人找回最后的安慰。 某天,一具女性尸体在他死水般的内...
For Goran and his team of amateur shooters, the plan was almost perfect: to enter a hypermarket at night to rob a jeweler. But these "broken arms" had not anticipated the arrival of a vigil ...