The plot introduces us to compulsive gambler Sergio, who, despite having promised his partner that he has overcome his accursed addiction, receives a tip-off about a rigged football match. Fully inten...
The story of Antoine Leiris, who lost his beloved wife Hélène in the terrorist attack on the Paris "Bataclan". In a moving Facebook post, he counters the assassins' hatred with his love ...
萨姆(凯伦·吉兰饰)的母亲斯卡利特(琳娜·海蒂饰)是一名精英刺客,当萨姆被迫与母亲分开时,她只有 12 岁。萨姆由 The Firm 抚养长大,这是她母亲为之工作的无情犯罪集团。现在,15 年过去了,萨姆跟随母亲的脚步,成长为一名作风凌厉的女杀手。她用自己的“才能”来收拾 The Firm 最危险的烂摊子,既能干又忠诚。但是,当高风险工作出问题时,萨姆必须选择继续效忠 The Firm,还是保护...
In a gritty near future, an ex freedom fighter reluctantly jumps back into the fold after discovering a disturbing secret that could bring down the company that owns the world....