"Milano odia: la polizia non può sparare" aka. "Almost Human" of 1973 is a brutal and brilliant Poliziottesco, one of the most uncompromising films of its genre, coming along with ...
在过去的韩国很多孩子被用来神婆祭祀,身子在坛子里被关着直到死去,而灵魂也被琐到铃铛里。当今的韩国也有很多神婆用铃铛来招魂,传说最有名的神婆都是哑巴,而淑熙(宋慧乔 Hye-kyo Song 饰)则生在这样一个世代都为神婆的名门家族。为了摆脱这种命运,她从神圣女子大学休学,通过相亲与从小生活在美国的皮特结婚,追随丈夫和婆婆远嫁到美国生活。初到异乡的淑熙努力适应着周围全新的环境,和家人一起信仰基督吃西...
Magical Barrier is comparable to Last Year at Marienbad with its non-linear development, mysterious characters and inexplicable mis-en-scene. It also shares the guerrilla film-making style of the F...
6 out of 7 people found the following comment useful. A brilliant and outragously funny satire of society, 7 December 1999 Author: Dave Joerg (joerd000@mail.zdv.uni-mainz.de) "Flodder&qu...