A group of documentary filmmakers are filming a TV special about the events which occurred at the famous and mysterious abandoned Cain Hill asylum many years earlier, and the unexplained abductions an...
A young art student loses her creative confidence. Her troubled lecturer struggles with dark visions which seem to inhabit his eerie paintings. Following his mysterious disappearance their fates inter...
A group of young adults spend the weekend at a friend's house by the lake. Joined by the local sheriff, the group encounters an escaped convict Native American chief, a copycat killer and the retu...
吉姆·卡明斯自编自导并参与演出的惊悚黑色喜剧[雪谷之狼](The Wolf of Snow Hollow,暂译)发布第一批剧照,吉姆扮演正在戒酒的混混警官,他坚信小镇来了连环杀手,但小镇居民却认为那是一个狼人。瑞琪·琳德赫姆扮演他理智的搭档,去年十月过世的罗伯特·福斯特则扮演他的父亲、也是小镇警长,这是福斯特最后一次大银幕演出。...