影片简介: 香港电影《珍珠泪》由港联有限公司于1965年出品。该片由左几执导,苗金凤、丁亮、吴楚帆、吴桐、李寿祺、贾醉凤等领衔主演。影片受到1955年美国好莱坞电影《琵琶怨》(Love Me or Leave Me)的启发。苗金凤初出茅庐,稚嫩的演出正好吻合角色的天真。 外文名:Tears of pearl 出品时间:1965年 出品公司:港联有限公司 摄制公司:...
Two young sisters find that all the mirrors in their estranged aunt's house are covered or hidden. When one of them happens upon a mirror in the basement, she unknowingly releases a malicious demo...
The first Nepali woman to summit and descend Mount Everest — now a single mom working at a Connecticut Whole Foods — heads back to Everest to make a better life for her two daughters....