故事开始于1937年,年轻的乔伊(弗吉尼亚·麦肯娜 Virginia McKenna 饰)前往肯尼亚度假,在肯尼亚热带森林里,乔伊目睹了各种各样的珍奇异兽,这些灵动的生命深深的吸引了乔伊,她果断的和丈夫离了婚,嫁给了当地的禁猎监督管乔治(比尔·特拉弗斯 Bill Travers 饰),就此留在了这片神奇的土地之上。 一天,乔治在巡逻期间遭到了一头母狮的攻击,为了保命,乔治不得不开枪击毙了母狮...
After the paradox destroys time, The Reds and Blues are forced to relive their pasts on loop while Genkins tries to create more paradoxes to help Chrovos escape her new confinement by Donut....
A group of millennial friends run a popular travel vlog that helps fund their adventures. Paige, the leader of the group, recently brought her younger sister Lindsey into the fold. Lindsey and another...