An off-duty New York City Police Detective gets caught in an inner-city brawl between undercover cops convinced that he is a local street thug. The melee ends in a tragic death followed by an uproar w...
In a series of simple and joyous vignettes, director Roberto Rossellini and co-writer Federico Fellini lovingly convey the universal teachings of the People's Saint humility, compassion, faith, and sa...
The film tells the story of three people for a year a son (Magimel) diagnosed with cancer, a mother (Deneuve) suffering from helplessness and a doctor (Cécile de France) to do her job One year and fou...
故事发生在1971年的北爱尔兰,新教徒和天主教徒之间的矛盾不断激化,战争一触即发,情势十分危急。加里(杰克·奥康奈尔 Jack O'Connell 饰)是一名年轻的英国士兵,上司将他派遣至贝尔法斯特,这里是内战的主要战场,充满了四飞的流弹,愤怒的人群和心怀鬼胎的投机分子。 一场冲突之中,加里和同伴飞身追捕小偷,然而,当加里回过神来之时,发现混乱的街头只剩下自己独自一人,更糟糕的是,他所身处的,恰...
《Night Of The Living Deb》和《The Witch Files》背后的电影人凯尔·兰金(Kyle Rankin)完成了一项秘密项目“Run Hide Fight”,该项目讲述的是一个17岁的女孩,她必须用自己的智慧才能在学校拍摄中生存。现在,它将成为Rebeller公司发行的第一部电影,Cinestate发行了该电影来讨论所谓的“非法内容”空间中的电影,重点关注好莱坞忽视的类...