Andre, recovering from a recent accident, agrees to help his friend Robert by taking over a house sitting job at a creepy home nestled in the hills above Los Angeles. As night comes, the house reveals...
After her mother’s death, Mona Achache discovers thousands of photos, letters and recordings, but these buried secrets make her disappearance even more of an enigma. Through the power of filmmaking an...
事业有成、意气风发的史蒂文•弗瑞林(Craig T. Nelson 饰)带着妻子戴安(JoBeth Williams 饰)和三个孩子搬进了加利福尼亚某郊外社区。但在入住不久,怪事便频繁发生。先是小女儿卡萝(Heather O'Rourke 饰)梦游,对着自动开启漫屏雪花的电视机自言自语。接着便又不明物体从电视机中飘出,莫名的地震,破碎的玻璃杯……如此种种,搅得弗瑞林一家坐卧不定。过了不久,恐怖事件...