After a spectacularly botched spook show, Hui Buh receives a plea for help from the young witch Ophelia. She is trying to keep a powerful spell-book out of the hands of the ruthless witch Erla....
He made perhaps the most dramatic shot in the history of NCAA basketball tournament. He's the only player to start in four consecutive Final Fours, and was instrumental in Duke winning two nationa...
韦恩(麦克·梅尔斯 Mike Myers 饰)和他的得力搭档葛斯(达纳·卡维 Dana Carvey 饰)回归了,这次,他们计划举办一场震撼人心的摇滚音乐盛会。他们得到了摇滚传奇明星吉姆莫里森的鬼魂的帮助。然而,就在韦恩忙碌不堪的时候,他的美丽女友卡珊卓(蒂亚·卡雷尔 Tia Carrere 饰)却受到经纪人甜言蜜语的诱惑,决定嫁给他并搬到洛杉矶定居。 现在,韦恩必须面临生命中最艰难的选择:...