The Ebola virus. No-one knows exactly where it comes from but one thing is certain - it's one of the most virulent infections known to science. This special episode of Horizon meets the scientists...
Nina and Allen split everything in their lives after their break-up and must compete in a ridiculous custody battle for their prized watering hole in which lines will be drawn, sides will be chosen, a...
肥胖忧郁的哈维尔(Carlos Areces 饰)出生于西班牙一个小丑世家,他的父亲死于内战,生前曾嘱咐这个背负了太多痛苦的儿子做一个悲伤小丑。时过境迁,成年后的哈维尔求职来到一家马戏团,遇到了当家小丑赛吉(Antonio de la Torre 饰)以及美艳的杂技女明星纳塔莉娅(Carolina Bang 饰)。他们是一对情侣,生活中的赛吉嗜酒狂暴,经常对纳塔莉娅饱以老拳,后者虽然痛苦不堪,却又...