When Matt Booth sets off to meet his fiance for a foreign wedding he couldn't have imagined the dangerous world he was about to step into. Betrayed and set up, Matt finds himself on the run from t...
Separated from his family and caught in a cycle of gambling and debt, Jim has less than a day to repay a violent loan shark. His day is turned upside down when he must look after his young. Jim's rela...
Synopsis: One of Gustav Machaty's (Ecstasy) major achievements, From Saturday to Sunday is marked by a gentle romanticism. Two secretaries go out on a double date, but the inexperienced Mary flees...
本片从一个宫廷乐师萨里埃利的角度,为我们呈现了天才莫扎特的一生。萨里埃利(F·莫里·亚伯拉罕 F. Murray Abraham饰)是维也纳音乐界里有名的人物,自视甚高的他自从遇到了莫扎特(汤姆·休斯克 Tom Hulce饰),心里的妒嫉之火便熊熊燃烧不能平息。莫扎特总能以他超乎常人的音乐作品赢得全场惊叹,他的《费加罗的婚礼》等歌剧,都成了传颂千古的经典。 萨里埃利对莫扎特又羡慕又嫉恨的心理...