Sometime in the near future, paraplegic prison inmate Matt Mills meets The Board of Satoshi-Telefair Industries, who thank him for joining the Program. Under pressure and with a promise to make him wa...
Meek farmhand Sasha and policeman Dima have a fraught relationship. They’re brothers-in-law, travel companions, and—secretly—lovers. Over the course of their journey to visit Sasha’s grandmother, un...
Garret wants Talon to take the throne, while a mysterious assassin seeks revenge. Falista mourns for Tobin but hatches a new plan. Zed wants Wren to be High Priestess and uncovers a secret about her....
肯尼斯(亚当·迪康 Adam Deacon 饰)有着非常强烈的坏蛋主义情结,一直希望自己能够成为遗臭万年的恶棍,可实际上,他只不过是一个不管走到哪里都讨人厌的小混混罢了。他无限膨胀的自我和嚣张的作风令他丢掉了工作,但这对于肯尼斯来说并不算是一件坏事,他离实现他的梦想又近了一步。 失去了工作后,整日无所事事的肯尼斯只得去酒吧打发时间,并且“顺利”的给自己惹了一堆的麻烦和债务,最终,他不得不靠着...
一向以搞怪鬼马著称的范·怀尔德(乔纳森·本内特 Jonathan Bennett 饰)刚刚告别高中时代,步入大学。然而他所就读的大学可不简单,怀尔德祖辈几代人都曾在这所军校进修并创下了属于怀尔德家族的光荣,学校不仅军规森严,禁止一切舞会活动,更不巧的是,军校校长还曾是怀尔德父亲学生时代的死对头,一心想把当年的旧帐算到怀尔德头上。显然,一边要在这严肃的气氛下完成学业,一边要对抗校长和一群跟班的刁难,...