Patrick Davenant invites a group of friends to visit a theater inside his villa, a place which later reveals itself as sinister. Within a short time, the guests realize that they are trapped in the vi...
An astronaut named Gary and his planet-destroying sidekick called Mooncake embark on serialized journeys through space in order to unlock the mystery of where the universe actually ends and if it actu...
While still trying to adjust to her new role as the Princess of Friendship, Twilight and friends follow a map to a village where the inhabitants mysteriously have no talents and are equal in every way...
莎拉(索菲爱·察尔洛特 Sophie Charlotte 饰)和玛丽(Felicia Ruf 饰)是一对认识了很多年的好友,彼此之间的友谊和信赖非常的深厚。然而,随着时间的推移,莎拉发现自己对于玛丽的感情渐渐变了质,从单纯的友谊逐渐转变成为了复杂的爱意。 在一次度假中,莎拉终于无法压抑自己内心里汹涌的感情,向玛丽表露了心迹,面对莎拉的示爱,玛丽感到非常的矛盾,一方面,她对于莎拉并没有什么其他的心...