在印尼爪哇岛的郊区,荒凉之地伫立着一间从荷兰殖民时期就存在的古老旅店。没人知道它到底存在多久,也没人知晓里面发生过什么。神秘而美艳的女主人玛拉蒂(Alexandra T. Gottardo 饰)独自经营,各色人等从四面八方云集于此,他们怀着不同的目的,但不论如何,却很难有人再走出旅店。这一天,面带忧郁的女子玛丽安走进旅店,她试图查清父亲的失踪之谜。虽然玛拉蒂矢口否认,但玛丽安根本不相信,她坚信...
一窺影集《獵魔士》的幕後實況,從選角到亞斯克爾琅琅上口的歌曲,細細探索劇中不可思議的世界。 Journey into the extraordinary world of "The Witcher" — from casting the roles to Jaskier's catchy song — in this behind-the-scenes look ...
What can be done in the time it takes to blink? The History of the Pit Stop: Gone in Two Seconds is the story of the brave mavericks who invented the techniques and technologies that took the pit stop...