A Dutch TV journalist finds himself challenging the police, courts, and media as he attempts to uncover the truth about the controversial Deventer murder case....
黑火药(迈克尔?加?怀特 Michael Jai White 饰)是黑人区知名的功夫高手、平民英雄。他的弟弟吉米新近被贩毒团伙杀害,同时掌握权势的参议员又取消了禁毒计划,结果导致街区毒品泛滥,于公于私,黑火药都必须捣毁贩毒团伙,然而和他一起参加过越战的中情局昔日同侪却警告他不能轻举妄动。这怎么可能阻止黑火药?这个到处留情身怀绝技的奇男子找来搭档“牛角”、“奶油玉米”,以及一票革命战士,向贩毒集团影...
A passenger is stabbed to death on the express bus to Honore. Jack and his team are baffled by the case though as no-one left their seat on the bus - so how on earth did they commit the murder...
这一季中,主修心理学的大学教授Eli(杰米·肯尼迪 Jamie Kennedy 饰)在遭遇一次火灾意外死后复生,竟然成为了能听见亡魂说话的倾听者。在话唠加神经质的Rick去了远方以后,他就成了Melinda(詹妮弗·洛芙·休伊特 Jennifer Love Hewitt 饰)的新助手,一直协助她完成逝者身前的遗愿。Melinda和丈夫Jim(大卫·康拉德 David Conrad 饰)一直努力想生...