Based on the 13th Century Borneo sacrificial rituals, “Curse of the Totem” tells the story of Dr. Sani who goes in search of his wife, who disappeared on a genealogy expedition to study the ancient my...
Everyone at school is dead... One day, a mass suicide occurs at school! Daean School is a school of hope; however, in reality, its actually a place of despair where the students are treated like...
将军麦克白(伊恩·麦克莱恩 Ian McKellen 饰)跟随国王邓肯(格里菲斯·琼斯 Griffith Jones 饰)南征北战,是后者最信赖的所在。某日,麦克白又赢得了一场战争,在归国的途中遇见了三个女巫,女巫们预言麦克白即将进官加爵,甚至可以带上王冠继承王位。然而,麦克白的继位者却并非他的孩子,而是他的好友班柯将军(约翰·伍德温 John Woodvine 饰)的儿子。 这一预言在麦克白的...
Summer adventure story about two kids who spend summer in city suburb, where together with talking dogs they rescue the romantic wooden-house neighborhood from reconstruction....
本片是由Joseph J. Lawson执导的一部影片。1944年,战事如火如荼,一支美国的坦克队伍英勇作战,却难敌纳粹军队的攻击,屡屡败退,千钧一发之际,他们找到了突破口,终于冲出敌军的防线。然而此时坦克燃料用完,他们不得不步行前进,路上他们遇到了一个修女,并从修女口中得知不远处孤儿院还有许多孩子等待救援,原本负责保护他们的美军护送队已被德军处决,修女执意回去保护孩子,为了保护无辜的人们,士兵们...